Wednesday, September 24, 2008

As lite entertainment for bored college students Essay

I found the essay very interesting to read. What I really liked about this essay was the way the author wrote it. I enjoyed how he viewed his perspective of the idea of college students and the whole aspect of college in general. I think it also helped that he gave his viewpoint as in terms of a professor that teaches in college. When I read this essay there were some ideas and thoughts that really grabbed my attention. I enjoyed reading the part in which the professor describes how sometimes the interest of the people that go to college are more important than the actual concept and reason for going to college. The author described how colleges attract the students that will provide the most money to their institution. He provided the example that some colleges focus on providing better facilities such as gyms and nice dorms rather than on focusing more on the aspect of college that involves the idea of students grasping new ideas and developing their own thoughts.I also found it interesting how the author talked about how some colleges have professors that aren't very harsh when it comes to grading. He feels that some professors don't grade really hard because they want the institution to appear prestigious and well known.

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