Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Loose Change

Watching chapter one of the movie, Loose change was very interesting to me. I never realized that there were people that speculated the attacks of September 11. The information that was provided in the video was very informative to me because I did not recall about hearing this information in the media. Some of the information that was provided in the video left me thinking a whole lot about the terrible disaster that occurred seven years ago. The video seemed really well made. I feel that the way that the director provided a good angle of vision was through. He did this by presenting interesting information of the attacks, showing images about the people that work for the government, and showing pictures of the American people. What really stood out for me in this video was how the people that worked for the government responded when asked specific questions. Most of them looked confused and it seemed they were scared to even answer the questions the reporters asked them. Some of them even tried to avoid the question and when the government officials would answer the question it would not be exact.

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