Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Get it Right. Privatize Executions Essay

The essay made me think a lot of what society might be coming to, is it true that most Americans might view execution as a form of entertainment if that is so that is really sad. it makes me think that the people in the United States have a way different mind than that of other countries What is entertainment. I always thought it was just watching a performer, enjoying a good time with friends and just having fun. Execution .. that word never even crossed my mind when i thought of forms of entertainment Just the thought of it made me wanna question so many things what kind of people would go to an execution event what kind people would bring their children or close family members to an event like that who would pay to see people a person being killed

it also made me question the type of government we have who in their right mind allow for something like that to take place in our country is the government that low that they have to resort to have people give them money to watch other people get killed i just really could not believe this essay it was like is this a joke, is the guy really serious.. it did make me think deeply about it if something like this were to come true i guess this essay puts you to the test and makes you think about the ideas and thoughts that are out there.

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