Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Two Contrasting Descriptions of the Same place

As I lay on my bed in my dorm room I feel a sense of peace and quiet in the early morning. My bright pink sheets and blanket make my room appear happy and girly. I have two cute stuffed animals on my bed that remind me of my great childhood. Through my window I can see the bright sun slowly start coming up. As I watch the sun come up I know it will be a great day because I can hear the birds chirping outside and see the geese swim on Newman Lake. I snuggle into my blanket because I feel a breeze come through my window. As I lay on my comfortable bed I can also hear the swoosh noise that comes from the branches of the trees as a strong wind goes by.

As I lay on my bed in my dorm I feel a complete dead silence. There is no noise because it’s too early in the morning for anyone to be up. My bright pink sheets and blanket make me feel extremely warm. I feel I’m burning up. As I look at the two stuff animals lying on my bed I realize how long I’ve had them for. One of my stuffed animals head is tilted because I played with it so much as a child. I look out my window and my eyes start to hurt. The sun is extremely bright. The birds chirping noise starts to annoy me in the morning. I want to sleep in longer but that noise prevents me from doing so. To make matters worse there is a breeze that comes through my window. I start shivering because my blanket was off.

Through doing this exercise I have learned that there are different angles of vision one can interpret from a passage that has the same context. I thought it was interesting how I could make one passage seem so happy and peaceful and have the other passage seem depressing and annoying. From doing this assignment I've learned that when you write something you can never take it in in only one way. There are different ways you can look at a piece of writing. I feel a person has to be able to explore the different angles that are present in peoples writing.


JWilson said...

I thought that you did a good job of using descriptive adjectives to describe your scene. I don't think it was vague at all and it really made me feel like I was there experiencing it with you. The object that really stuck out to me as a reader was when you were describing your bed, and your stuffed bears. I agree with you about your reflection and how as a writer you can't perceive a scene one way or another, you have to use angle of vision and look at it from all angles. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work! :)

Kristen W said...

I also thought you did a really good job of describing the same scene in two different tones. Your word choice was really effective. When I read your positive descrition the words like peace, quiet, bright and pink really gave me a positive feeling towards your scene. Your negative description was also very persuasive. Words like dead, extremely, noise and annoy help the reader see the scene in a negative manner.