Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapter 6: Reading Rhetorically

I thought that chapter six was a good chapter to read because I learned a lot from it. Before I came to college my teachers and friends would tell me that college is so much harder than high school because of the reading. When I started my first week of college I got a better understanding of what people referred to as harder reading material. I struggled on my reading because I was never exposed to college reading material before. I quickly learned had to learn how to read correctly for classes. As I read chapter six it started to make sense to me. Chapter six talks about how it is sometimes difficult for college students to grasp the reading material because it ranges from different type of reading material. Some of the material can be dealing with complex subjects and others can deal with complex writing such as in philosophical terms. The chapter explained how it was very important how to interpret the reading in different ways. If a person sees two sides of the story they are able to question the reading and bring forth their own conclusions of what the text in the reading is saying. The chapter also emphasized that it is important to read the text multiply times to better understand it. What I thought was interesting to read about in chapter six was that pointing out certain details when you read a text can be essential in better helping you understand the material. It is also good to develop strategies when reading text because that way one can critique it and see how they can compose their own material.

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