Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 was a really helpful and interesting chapter to read about. Chapter 14 discussed the aspects of a persuasive essay. It talked about how in that type of essay there is truth seeking and persuasion. Truth seeking is taking account all the information that is present for you and from that deriving your own conclusion. Persuasion is the actual thought of changing your audience's opinion. The chapter also talked about the types of arguments one can make when making a speech. I feel this chapter had very helpful tips when one wants to write a persuasive speech. It gave ideas of how someone can come up with topics if they are not really sure of what to talk about. Chapter 14 talked about a technique that can better help evaluate a good topic for a persuasive speech. It talked about the STAR criteria. The STAR criteria stands for Sufficiency, Typically, Accuracy, and Relevance. I feel that through reading this chapter has benefited me greatly. The examples that were provided in the text were very helpful because I could incorporate the concepts that were being discussed throughout the chapter.I feel that when I write a persuasive speech these ideas of how to better my paper will definitely come in handy.

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