Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rhetorical appeals and informal fallacies

I choose an image illustrating the issue of abortion. In my image there is a young women that is tossing a baby doll in the air. The image is in black and white and the girl seems sad and careless. I think that this image is trying to get people to vote pro life on the issue of abortion. I feel that this image is persuading people to vote pro life by the characteristics the image shows. The idea of the women showing a care free action illustrates that she does not care about the baby and clearly wants nothing to do with the baby. I also think that the way the photographer made the image in black and white makes the issue of voting pro life more eye catching. Black and white seem to illustrate death, sadness,cruelty and many other negative emotions and thoughts in this picture. The fact that the women is throwing the baby up in the air also is a good way to get the reader to vote pro choice. Many people find the action disturbing because no one wants to see a baby being miss treated. When people see a baby being flung up in the air they tend to see the parent as being careless and an overall bad parent. This picture makes people feel sorry for the infant and will make them want to vote pro life because they believe in the well being of innocent children.

1 comment:

JWilson said...

I think that you chose an image that is very persuasive. Abortion is a very controversial subject in today's world. I think you did an excellent job of describing the image and showing how you saw it in your eyes. I think that the black and white effect that you described is very true, it does illustrate death, sadness. I would definitey find the image disturbing seeing a baby fly up in the air. If I saw this picture, I would feel sympathy for the child and want to vote pro life. I think this is a very good use of specific angle of vision.