Friday, December 5, 2008


I actually did enjoy doing the blog as a class assignment. I felt it was really helpful when it came to writing papers. I found it good that other classmates commented on the blog because it really helped getting other people's perspective on a topic. I feel that blogging enhanced my learning because it opened my point of view and I got to see how my classmates approached certain topics. I enjoyed reading about my classmates opinions because it really helped me when I had to write my papers. I also thought it helped me because it gave me a chance to express my opinions and thoughts on certain papers and topics discussed in class. I thought that was really good because not most professors allow you to express yourself freely on topics. I felt that I applied the evaluation and suggestions given during the mid-term fairly well. I really tried to elaborate every time I posted a comment on my classmates wall. I also tried to be more helpful to my classmates so I left comments that might give them different points of view on their topics. At the beginning of doing the blog post I thought it was going to be a boring experience but I learned to enjoy it because it came to be really helpful.

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