Monday, November 10, 2008

Brainstorming for proposal arguement

An issue that I feel would be good for my proposal argument is that bilingual education should be incorporated in the elementary schools in Harrisonburg, VA because the Hispanic population in the valley is rapidly increasing.
I feel that my audience would be the Harrsionburg School Board because they are the ones that can take action and make something happen.

My principle would be that some Hispanic children are getting disadvantaged because of the language barrier in schools.
The consequences would be that
- if bilingual education is not put in elementary schools then more Hispanic children will have difficulty communicating in school as they get older.
- SOL testing scores will be lower than ever because children can not understand the material because they can't speak the language.
- If there are lower testing scores then the state would focus on Harrisonburg, Va more and put more pressure on the teachers to get the score higher.


Annalina said...

I think this is a really good problem and solution idea that you have. Clearly there are more Hispanics everywhere today than there were 50, or even 10 years ago, and if they're children are attending schools, then they should be able to understand what's being taught to them. I think this is a really great argument because you'll be able to find lots of information on it. Maybe you can even find schools that have already incorporated bilingual education at an early age and see how that has worked so far. Good luck!!

Kristen W said...

I think this is a good topic also. I didn't really see too much of this when I was growing up but now its becoming more and mroe difficult for Hispanic children to get the right education because of the language barrier. I think that your solutions are good. You could even try looking into which colleges make it mandatory to study a different language and see if those graduates are more successful when they find teaching jobs. I think that students in college, studying to become teachers, should learn spanish or another language to help prevent this problem from occuring.

bradgerner said...

I believe this is a good idea as well. It's important that everyone have a fair opportunity to succeed and these kids will certainly assimilate easier into the culture with better education. I am curious however, if you also want to teach the English speaking children to speak Spanish. I feel this could also be beneficial all the way around. Both groups can meet in the middle in terms of communicating and all become more complete citizens of the world. Just an idea.